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Reports: Political & Social

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8 May 2024

Ipsos B&A Snapshot, April 2024

Housing remains the issue that preoccupies the Irish public, according to the latest Ipsos B&A Snapshot poll for the Irish Times. When participants in the April poll were asked what was the one thing they had seen or heard from Government recently that suggested the country is going in the right or wrong direction, 21 […]

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27 March 2024

Global Happiness 2024

The new edition of Ipsos’ Global Happiness report finds there’s been a slight dip in happiness year-on-year as economic and political clouds loom overhead.

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24 September 2023

The Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll September 23

During this period rising inflation was once again being reported, coupled with increased back-to-school costs. While interest rates for mortgages and food prices remained high, there was some positive news around energy prices.

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17 July 2023

The Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll July 23

Support for Fianna Fail rises, but Sinn Fein remains ahead. Fianna Fail’s level of support increased to 24 per cent, pushing closer to its January ’23 high of 25 per cent. The popularity of Sinn Fein remained steady at 34 per cent, maintaining its status as the most preferred party.

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11 July 2023

Standard Eurobarometer Survey Spring 2023

The latest Standard Eurobarometer survey conducted by B&A on behalf of Kantar Public in Ireland is now released.

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19 June 2023

Sunday Times / B&A Poll June 23

Fine Gael continue to recover

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15 May 2023

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll May 2023

Sinn Fein retain top spot.

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11 April 2023

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll April 2023

Fine Gael get hit, while Sinn Féin surge forward

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20 March 2023

Sunday Times / Behaviour And Attitudes Poll March 2023

Support for Fianna Fail has taken a four-point hit amid a backlash over the government’s decision to lift the eviction ban and its handling of the housing crisis.

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20 February 2023

Sunday Times / Behaviour And Attitudes Poll February 2023

Fine Gael recovers, but Sinn Féin remains the most popular party despite a drop in support.

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11 December 2022

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll December 2022

Sinn Féin remains most popular party among voters

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20 November 2022

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll November 2022

Micheál Martin’s popularity jumps ahead of handover

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