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18 January 2023

The Joy of Christmas Ads

In a last celebration of Christmas 2022, we have looked at 8 TV ads that were on-air to explore their emotional impact, level of Christmas joy and Christmas spirit, and to highlight what resonated with viewers of each ad. 

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3 January 2023

CRU Consumer Survey 2022

B&A was commissioned by The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) to carry out a survey of approximately 2,000 residential customers and 650 SME’s.

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20 December 2022

Department of Finance: Retail Banking Review Report

Jimmy Larsen and his team at B&A conducted the consumer survey and presented at the dialogue.

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16 December 2022

B&A Consumer Confidence November 2022

Further increase in consumer confidence in November but confidence remains at a very low level. This wave of the B&A Consumer Confidence Barometer was conducted from the 18th-29th of November 2022.

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11 December 2022

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll December 2022

Sinn Féin remains most popular party among voters

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28 November 2022

B&A Consumer Confidence October 2022

Consumer With inflation easing slightly, consumer confidence is up, although still very low. This wave of the B&A Consumer Confidence Barometer was conducted from the 16th -26th of October 2022.

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20 November 2022

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll November 2022

Micheál Martin’s popularity jumps ahead of handover

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27 October 2022

B&A Consumer Confidence September 2022

Consumer confidence continues to deteriorate and spend is likely to be impacted. This wave of the B&A Consumer Confidence Barometer was conducted from the 8th -19th of September.

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20 October 2022

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll October 2022

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11 October 2022

ComReg Mobile Consumer Experience Survey

B&A was commissioned by the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) to carry out a survey on mobile services experiences of Irish consumers.

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11 October 2022

B&A Cost of Living 2022

Following on from the B&A Sign of the Times (SOTT) report in Spring 2022, we have an updated report that delves into the Irish consumer’s mindset and the financial reality ahead of the budget 2023.

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19 September 2022

B&A Consumer Confidence August 2022

Slight improvement in consumer confidence but concerns about inflation remain strong. This wave of the B&A Consumer Confidence barometer was conducted from the 6th-16th August 2022.

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