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19 October 2016

TV Trends – A view from the Establishment Survey

TAM Ireland commission the Establishment Survey twice a year. The data collected gives us a snap shot of the market and is used to derive TV universe estimates for the following 6 months. The Establishment Survey is also a useful resource in monitoring trends in hardware ownership It also provides Nielsen with a continuous pool […]

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20 April 2016

Sign Of The Times 2016

This is our seventh annual Sign Of the Times review of consumer trends. It combines the assembled insights from our senior team of researchers across the full year. Updated figures from our published surveys and other sources have also been included.

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2 February 2016

Age Discrimination and our Attitudes to Older Colleagues

A three-part survey for William Fry focuses on Age in the Workplace, looking at it from the perspective of employers, employees and the unemployed. The study highlights that half of all organisations don’t have a mandatory retirement age, and that most workers expect to have to work beyond the State retirement age. The average employer […]

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10 November 2015

eir Connected Living Survey

We have become a nation that loves our smart, connected devices and are heavily reliant on technology for nearly every aspect of our lives. Check out the latest eir Connected Living Survey

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20 October 2015

B&A 30th Anniversary Behavioural & Attitudinal Survey

Behaviour & Attitudes 30th Anniversary Behavioural & Attitudinal Survey

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24 February 2015

B&A Sign of the Times 2015

Most feel 2015 is the year the country has turned a corner.

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8 October 2014

Taking the Pulse of Farming

Farmers at a crossroads. A snapshot of farming ahead of the end of milk quotas and the CAP reform.

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8 October 2014

Behaviour & Attitudes Consumer Confidence Tracker Quarter 2 2014

Overall, there are 8.4% less people on the live register now versus July 2013.

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15 September 2014

Behaviour & Attitudes Business Barometer

44%of Irish businesses report higher activity for the second quarter of 2014 compared with 2013.  This shift is very significant moving the trading index from -22 in 2011, to +20 now. (+1 last year)

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14 September 2014

eircom Household Sentiment Survey

85% of adults now have access to an online device which can be used on-the-go.

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5 January 2014

B&A Sign of the Times 2014

This report explores the a country divided – city buzz and country cynicism.

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25 September 2013

Eircom Home Sentiment Survey Phase III