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21 September 2018

The Irish Convenience Shopper Revealed

Irish economic activity is currently strong – and consumers remain reasonably confident that this will be the case over the coming year, even when Brexit, Trump Trade wars, etc. are taken into account.

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1 May 2018

TechScape 2018

Techscape is conducted on our face-to-face CAPI Omnibus amongst a fully representative sample of 1,000 adults aged 16+ years. The sample is stratified by age within gender by town size across 63 sampling points nationwide. An overall socio-economic status quota is also applied. As such, the sample is fully representative of all Irish adults, and […]

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13 March 2018

Sign Of The Time 2018

In a buoyant economy we are fascinated by health but bewildered by contradictory information. In the search something we can trust we are more likely to believe a TV show than Social media. We are beginning to step back from the intense buzz of an ‘always on’ lifestyle by detoxing from technology or bizarrely by […]

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3 October 2017

B&A Techscape 2017

The Techscape section of the B&A Sign of the Times

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25 July 2017

BDO Business Optimism Index Q1 2017

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24 May 2017

Davy Charity Insights Report April 2017

B&A’s latest Charity research contained within the Davy Charity Insights report.

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24 April 2017

Shopperwatch April 2017

In this month’s edition of Shopperwatch, B&A examines grocery spend among Irish grocery shoppers. We are maturing as economic units. The more economic cycles and events we experience, the more we adapt and learn. These survey results suggest that austerity has caused us to considerably improve our estimates on what we spend on groceries.

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17 April 2017

Sign of the Times Techscape 2017

79% of us access the internet once or more a day. Read the Sign of the Times Techscape 2017 report to find out more.

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31 March 2017

Shopperwatch March 2017

In this month’s edition of Shopperwatch, B&A looks at shopper attitudes to product labelling.

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1 March 2017

Shopperwatch February 2017

B&A’s ShopperWatch research for Checkout magazine on attitudes to Fresh Food examining issues grocery shoppers take into account when buying fresh produce.

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9 February 2017

B&A Sign Of The Times 2017

B&A brings you the latest review of consumer trends in Ireland. This is the 8th Annual Sign of the Times review and it brings together the results from in-house projects combining specially commissioned groups, and survey data. We also look at ‘Irishness’ in 2017, how the world views us and the impact of shifts in […]

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1 February 2017

Shopperwatch January 2017

B&A’s ShopperWatch research for Checkout magazine on Christmas purchasing patterns examining whether grocery shoppers enjoyed their Christmas, spending patterns, and the Brexit impact.