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11 November 2021

B&A Consumer Confidence Tracker, November 2021

Consumer confidence is balancing out, but consumers remain cautious overall.

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5 November 2021

B&A Eating & Drinking 2021 report

Having studied eating & drinking trends in Ireland since 1996, B&A decided to undertake a comprehensive review of this interesting topic area in August 2021 and this report details the findings of this fascinating nationally representative survey and qualitative research.

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17 October 2021

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll October 2021

Fianna Fáil overtakes Fine Gael

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7 October 2021

B&A Consumer Confidence, October 2021

Irish consumers are in their most positive mindset since Covid began.

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23 September 2021

B&A Consumer Confidence, August 2021

Economy improving following a turbulent 2020.

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12 September 2021

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll September 2021

Sinn Fein opens up ten point lead over Fine Gael

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17 August 2021

B&A Snapshots Series: Retail

The B&A Snapshots series is a monthly musings on the big issues coming up in our many conversations with consumers.  To kick us off, Maggie Matthews reflects on how our cycles of lockdown and opening up have helped us clarify what we love about in store, face-to-face retail.  And where the high street goes next.  […]

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22 July 2021

B&A TechScape 2021

Every year B&A’s TechScape report tracks the use of and attitudes towards technology in Ireland. The pace of adoption of new tech solutions has been staggering as each year goes by. What makes this year’s research so much more intriguing however is when we examine the role that Covid-19 has played in driving our use […]

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18 July 2021

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll July

Sizeable percentage of population unconvinced on Nphet advice

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13 June 2021

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll June

Party leaders neck and neck

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23 May 2021

Sunday Times / Behaviour & Attitudes Poll May

SF and FG vie for pole position

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14 May 2021

B&A Consumer Confidence Tracker, April 2021

Consumer confidence in April was at its highest since the pandemic hit but remained well below pre Covid averages.

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