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Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Welcome to Ipsos B&A. This privacy policy explains how we collect and use personal data and your rights in relation to that data. Ipsos B&A is committed to the privacy and security of your data and fully adheres to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Market Research Society Code of Conduct.

Who are we? Ipsos B&A is a long established market research company based at offices in Blackrock and Milltown, Dublin. We conduct market research in person, by phone and online.  We are members of; AIMRO, ESOMAR and the MRS. As a market research agency, the primary purpose of why we collect information is in order to conduct market research, gathering opinions and views and thereby providing insights on a wide variety of different topics.

What information do we collect? The personal information that we collect varies depending on the context of your interactions with us and the type of research conducted. It may include, but is not limited to, the following information:

  • Contact details such as name, address, email address; home and/or work postal address, postcode; phone number
  • Demographic details such as age, area, occupation, etc.
  • Information in connection with your participation in surveys and/or studies
  • Any other information which may be collected in the course of surveys or focus groups such as content or material you choose to submit, upload or transmit, photos, videos, images, etc.

We may also email you about information or insight reports that we think you might be interested in. You may unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe button in the emails.

Your Consent. The GDPR requires us to rely on one or more lawful bases to store or process your personal information. Your participation in our surveys and analyses is in all cases voluntary and your survey responses are not attributed to you in client reports unless you permit otherwise. We rely on your consent as the legal basis to take part in research.  You may withdraw your consent at any point; see section Your Rights.

What do we do with personal data? As a market research organisation, we conduct research for a wide range of clients who commission us to research their products, services, and offerings amongst their customers and the wider general public. As a survey participant your opinions help inform the development and improvement of these products and services. Where we obtain personal identifiable data we store it in a safe and secure manner with limited access, in compliance with our ISO 27001 and all relevant Data Protection legislation. We do not share any personal identifiable data with any third parties unless explicit informed consent has been obtained. Personal identifiable data will not be linked to any of our results. Our results are presented in aggregate anonymous form. Occasionally clients may request customer data to be linked directly to their answers – usually this is where they would like to contact you directly if there are any particular issues you may have with service. We will always obtain your explicit informed consent on such occasions.

How do we protect your personal information? We place great importance on the security of your personal information and we always try to take appropriate precautions to protect it. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to help us protect your personal data from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. We anonymise your data as soon as possible. However, as effective as modern security practices are, no security system is entirely secure and we cannot 100% guarantee the security of your information.

How long do we store personal information? Any personal identifiable data collected as survey responses to market research surveys is stored for no more than 12 months after which it is securely destroyed – unless explicit informed consent is given by individuals to store it for longer. For more information on our retention policies, please contact

Where is Personal Data Stored or Transferred? As part of a multinational market research firm, our Ipsos B&A offices are based in Dublin, personal data is stored on servers in Dublin. In the event of transfer we would transfer your personal information within the European Economic Area (EEA) or to countries where an adequacy decision has been made, where they have the same level of data protection law under the GDPR. Any transfer to a third country outside of these jurisdictions will only be done where appropriate safeguards have been provided and where data subject rights and remedies are available.

Access to your information will be limited to only those Ipsos staff involved in the research project, or who need access to support the systems used for this research, such as the online survey and research data analysis systems.  This may include staff in:

  • Other Ipsos Group companies involved in this research.
  • Our sub-contractors who may carry out some of the processing on Ipsos’s behalf, and under Ipsos’s control; including the service providers who host or provide technical support for our systems.

Some of the above may be based outside the European Economic Area; however, they are required to abide by the same data privacy legal requirements and security arrangements as ourselves and will be subject to appropriate safeguards, a description of which can be obtained by contacting us at

Your rights. Under data protection legislation, individuals have the right to know if an organisation or individual is holding information about them. Amongst other rights they also have the right to access this information. A guide to your rights is available on the website of the Data Protection Commissioner – If you have any queries in relation to your data or if you would like to make a data access request please email us at or write to us for the attention of the Data Protection Officer, Behaviour & Attitudes (B&A), Milltown House, Mount Saint Annes, Milltown, Dublin 6. Please note for any Data Access requests please complete our Data Access request form which you can download here: (PDF) (Doc) We will require the following information so that we process your request:

  • Proof of identity
  • The type of research you participated in:

a) Face to Face survey b) Telephone survey c) Online survey d) Qualitative study

  • When you participated in this research

If you have any questions about this policy or want to make a complaint about how we handle your personal data, please contact us by email at or in writing to at the above contact details.

Cookies. Following a revised EU directive on website cookies, each company based, or doing business, in the EU is required to notify users about the cookies used on their website. Our site uses cookies to improve your experience of certain areas of the site. You may delete and block all cookies from this site, but as a result parts of the site may not work as intended. To find out more about what cookies are, which cookies we use on this website and how to delete and block cookies, please see our Cookie Policy page.

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