National Household Travel Survey 2024

Data collection for the National Household Travel Survey 2024 is complete. Ipsos B&A and NTA would like to thank all households who participated. Please check back in Spring/Summer 2025 for updates on the summary statistics. If you have questions about the survey in the meantime, you can refer to previous years’ reports or contact Ipsos B&A or the NTA using the contact details provided below.

The National Transport Authority (NTA) will commence work on the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) for 2024 from this Thursday 12th of September.

The survey is a nationwide study of Ireland’s travel habits which is designed to provide the NTA with essential statistics to assist in the planning, development and implementation of our future public transport network to meet the needs of the population.

The NTA has commissioned Ipsos B&A to conduct the 2024 survey and 4,000 households throughout Ireland will be contacted by phone between mid-September and early December to take part.

This will be the fifth National Household Travel Survey, with the first undertaken in 2012.

What is the National Transport Authority?

The National Transport Authority is a statutory non-commercial body, which operates under the aegis of the Department of Transport. It was established on foot of the Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008.

What is the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS)?

The National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) is a nationwide study of Ireland’s travel habits commissioned by the National Transport Authority. The NHTS is carried out as per the National Transport Authority’s legislation outlined in Sections 11, 72, and 73 of the Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008. The NHTS achieves Government Policy as set out in Goal 8 – Action 69 of the Government of Ireland’s National Sustainable Mobility Policy.

The purpose of the survey is to gather travel information statistics for the National Transport Authority’s ongoing transportation planning role, as well as to provide essential travel data for the update of its regional transport models, the development of additional transport modelling tools and monitoring and research on travel and transport.

The NHTS 2024 will be conducted among 4,000 households throughout the Republic of Ireland between September 2024 and early December 2024. It will be the fifth such NHTS, the first having been undertaken in 2012 and the most recent in 2023.

Who is Collecting the Data?

The National Transport Authority has commissioned Ipsos B&A to conduct the 2024 NHTS. Ipsos B&A is Ireland’s longest-established survey research company.

How Was My Household Selected?

Households participating in the NHTS are selected at random from the population. Random selection is achieved by using random digit dialling of mobile (individual) and landline (household) phone numbers. All numbers called are randomly generated for the purpose of conducting the NHTS. At the time of calling, no information is known about the individual or household being contacted.

What Information Will I Be Asked to Give?

The research is conducted among households across the Republic of Ireland, using both a Household Questionnaire and two-day Travel Diaries.

The Household Questionnaire

The Household Questionnaire collects information including:

  • The composition of your household, including the age and gender of each household member
  • The type of house you live in
  • Vehicle and bicycle ownership
  • Household income
  • The occupation of the Chief Income Earner in the household
  • Household access to services locally
  • Internet connectivity
  • Two-day Travel Diaries.

Each member of the household is also asked to complete a two-day Travel Diary, recording information for each trip taken including:

  • Trip origin and destination
  • Purpose of trip
  • Length of time taken and distance
  • Mode of transport
  • Travelled alone or with others
  • Do children need to complete a Travel Diary?
  • Yes, children aged four years or older are asked to complete a Travel Diary. If a child in your household is aged four years or older but is too young to fill out their own travel diary, a responsible adult in the household can complete it for them

What Will Be Involved If I Take Part?

A survey pack is sent to each home by post. In each pack is one Household Questionnaire and one or more Travel Diaries – one for each member of your household aged four or older.

One nominated person in the household completes the Household Questionnaire.

The Travel Diaries will show the exact two dates for which trip information is required. A Travel Diary is completed by each person in the household (aged four or older).

Once both the questionnaire and diaries are completed, they are posted back to Ipsos B&A in the pre-paid and pre-addressed envelope provided.

What If I Decide Not to Take Part?

There is no obligation on anyone to agree to take part, and you can decline to do so. Participants are also entitled to refuse to answer any questions they do not want to answer.

What Will Happen to The Information I Give?

Ipsos B&A and the National Transport Authority value and protect the information you provide to us on your NHTS forms.

Ipsos B&A is a member of the Market Research Society. As such, the company abides by the Market Research Society Code of Conduct and associated regulations and guidelines.

This research is being conducted in compliance with GDPR.

The National Transport Authority publishes grouped anonymous data in the form of the annual NHTS reports.

Your personal data will be kept confidential. The paper surveys used to collect data from your household for this study will be securely stored by Ipsos B&A and will be destroyed once the information provided by you has been transferred to the Ipsos B&A’s servers.

Security Precautions

Security precautions will be in place to protect your personal data, including appropriate physical security of offices and controlled and limited access to computer systems. Your personal information is securely encrypted while being transferred to the servers and while being retained on the servers.

Privacy Notice

A copy of the NTA NHTS 2024 – Privacy Notice is available.

Further Analysis & Secondary Research

The National Transport Authority may share the anonymised NHTS data with research partners, transport project consultants, and personnel from other institutions and organisations for further analysis and/or secondary research.

If I Have Any Questions or Problems, Who Can I Contact?

If you have any questions regarding this research, you can contact Ipsos B&A on 01 4389000 or by email at .

Alternatively, you can contact the National Transport Authority on +353 1 879 8300 or by email at