This year’s Love Life Satisfaction Index is a 30-country study which brings together how people feel about love, romance and relationships. It brings together how satisfied people are with the love in their life, their sex lives and their relationship with their partner. It also consolidates the level of satisfaction individuals experience regarding the love present in their lives.
Key findings for Ireland in the Ipsos Love Life Satisfaction Survey include:
- Overall, we rank 14th out of 30 countries on the Love Life Satisfaction Index with a score of 74 – slightly behind our neighbours in Great Britain (75), and ahead of France (71) and Italy (70).
- Love is in the air. 79% in Ireland say they are satisfied with “feeling loved” and is highest for those aged 50-74.
- Nearly 6 out 10 of us are satisfied with our romantic/sex lives. At 62%, Irish men are more satisfied with their sex lives than women. Top satisfaction with romantic/sex life is in Columbia (74%)
- Irish Gen Z most satisfied with their sex lives. In Ireland we see differences in satisfaction across generations for satisfaction with romantic/sex life: Gen Z are most satisfied 62%, followed by Millennials (60%), Baby Boomers (59%) and Gen X (57%). Irish Gen Z are more satisfied than the global Gen Z average of 58% and so are our Baby Boomers compared to the global average 55%.
- Most happy with their relationship. Across the countries surveyed, 82% of those in a relationship say they are satisfied with their partner/spouse. In Ireland, we are higher than the global average at 85% – and 51% are ‘very satisfied’.
The results are based on a 30-country survey conducted by Ipsos between Friday 20 December 2024 and Friday 3 January 2025. A total of 23,765 Adults were interviewed, with 500 interviewed in Ireland.
For more information, please contact Kieran O’Leary: or Deirdre Kelly:
Technical note:
Ipsos interviewed 23,765 people online between December 20, 2024 and January 3, 2025 in 30 countries. Quotas were set to ensure representativeness and data have been weighted to the known population profile of each country. The sample consists of approximately 1,000 individuals each in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, and the U.S., and 500 individuals each in Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sweden, Thailand, and Türkiye. The sample in India consists of approximately 2,200 individuals, of whom approximately 1,800 were interviewed face-to-face and 400 were interviewed online.